Buddhi Yoga

Kundalini Yoga
with NamKamal Kaur (TikaLilly)

July 16 (Sunday)
at 6:00 pm

Class length
75 minutes

Located downstairs from Cafe & Shop. Check in with instructor in studio.

"Loving Waters Kundalini Yoga" 

led by Nam Kamal Kaur (TikaLilly)

Kundalini Yoga is often called the "Mother of Yoga" or "The Yoga of Awareness". 

I call it having "A Date with your Soul"

Through meditation and a set of exercises called "kriyas" we will use the power of The Word(chanting and/or singing mantras and affirmations)
in combination with breath work, 
postures, angles, and hand positions, to:

*tune and center the mind
*balance the nervous system
*protect our energy field
*magnetize our auras
*strengthen our willpower
*banish depression
*deepen our roots 
*elevate our spirits 
*cleanse the subconscious
*put the ego is its place(allowing for the heart and breath to lead) and much more! 

These kriya's, in their very specific combinations(as taught by Yogi Bhajan) that have been perfected through the ages, can give us each our own unique healing experience of coming  back home to the heart, a little more revitalized rejuvenated, and blissful. 

I desire this to be a safe and gentle but powerful experience as if bathing in a soft waterfall of pure love. 

I desire for each class I teach to ignite an unfolding of your excellence as it also unfolds my own excellence anytime I get to teach. 



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